Pink Therapy Embraces TFT

I’ve no idea how much contact TFTers have had with gay people, but I’ve been asked to share a little of my work here in the UK. I’ve spent almost 30 years (pretty much my entire professional career as a therapist) specialising in working with gender and sexual minority clients and about a decade ago […]

TFT And The Art of Healing.

The Energy Psychology Modality That Heals by Lorraine Blum, L.C.S.W, MS.C, NBCCH, RM, TFT DX Energy Medicine has been around a very long time. Reiki, an Energy Modality first discovered in Japan thousands of years ago and TFT Dx is a more recent Energy Modality used here in the United States to heal those suffering […]

Did Stress Kill Michael Jackson?

From The World Organization Of Natural Medicine Practitioners: June 25, 2009, will go down in history as the day an American Icon took his last breath. As I watch the media regurgitating over and over the news of the untimely, unfortunate and very unnecessary demise of Michael Jackson, with an occasional flash to the suffering […]

Tapping The Source – Thought Field Therapy Tapping

Now that we’ve come to the 30 year mark of Thought Field Therapy, it’s interesting to see how Dr. Roger Callhan’s tapping technique has evolved to become a major part of the alternative healing community.

Powerful Tools to Incorporate Into Your Practice

Those doing the Boot Camp had already spent the previous day eliminating fears, anxiety, long held trauma, grief and found that they did not need any more convincing than what their eyes and bodies had already witnessed. Everyone wanted to get on with learning the next level of extraordinary techniques in helping people heal and feel better.

Stress and Trauma Relief on the Front Lines with TFT

We just received a report from a TFT practitioner on the front lines that they are having amazing successes with TFT and helping with stress reduction with the troops. He requested 500 wallet sized trauma relief cards and other easily transported support materials.  Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan sent them out immediately, so pleased to […]

Obsessing About How Long It Lasts – TFT And Meridian Tapping Energy

Obsessing about how long this single treatment had lasted, I had to remind myself that keeping someone better was a better treat than treating someone longer.

Like the treatment, that is a thought that lasts.

TFT and Thought Field Therapy Meridian Tapping Energy has a lasting effect.

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TFT For Healing Of Our Pets?

We’re happy to report that Ave has been consistently better ever since the treatment, including a significant decrease in the itching. How fun to be able to use TFT to bring such immediate relief to a pet!

Thought Field Therapy’s Role in the Bereavement Process

Taking the time to be with feelings of love for the one who has died and integrating the fact that person is no longer with him or her is a necessary component in reconstructing a life.

Grieving is an active process requiring our engagement.

TFT, HRV, and Tapping to Heal the Broken Heart

By David Hanson, DEH, TFT-Dx Ruby and Jack (not their real names) had been married for 63 years. They were high school sweethearts, married, raised a family, and weathered all the storms of their lives together. Ruby was now alone. Jack had passed away in his sleep almost a year before her nephew, Bob, brought […]

Tapping For Trauma Relief

Dr. Dariah Morgan has been personally trained and certified by Dr. Callahan. Dr. Morgan earned an EdD from Texas A & M in Commerce (formerly East Texas State) and has conducted successful therapy practices in both Dallas and Rockwall for many years. She is also an accomplished public speaker, seminar leader and Tibeten Yoga instructor.

Stress, Your Immune System and the Swine Flu

We were more than 40 people, most of the people, came were wearing protective masks scaring and trying to keep distance among them. The first thing we did as introduction was to treat the fear and trauma of the group, the result was incredible, and we had one of the more collaborative and participants group.

At the end of the training I ask Dr Lammoglia a well known Doctor and owner of a TV program to come to give the certificates, people were so grateful for the course and the TFT techniques that after getting their certificate most of them stayed until they were able to personally thank us and take a personal picture.

All of these people are now helping scared people all over and some of them have called to thank us for teaching TFT in this difficult moment. I teach them also that the use of TFT can improve our immunological system and many I know are still tapping for this reason.

I have not suspended my private practice and yesterday I treated a panic case related with the same fears of getting the swine flu.

As usual TFT is being a great help in time of crisis. Thank you Roger!”

Working Toward Peace, One Heart At A Time – TFT Trauma Relief

Helping people with anxiety, trauma and stress is what we do best. Giving the gift of emotional freedom from trauma is a wonderful thing.

Note: TFT was the origin of emotional freedom technique

It’s a beautiful demonstration of how using TFT to relieve the effects of trauma can open people to peace, compassion and community. What a difference it could make in areas that have been plagued by violent conflict.

ATFT Foundation In Uganda

The priests’ anguish as they silently reflected on their memories of this horror was palpable. As their fellow priests, newly trained, treated them, all watching were eased to feel it pass, like a great oppressive weight lifting from the room. Several of the those treated were transformed, explaining to us the profound compassion and forgiveness they now felt, compassion even for the rebels. This was a grace that they had longed for but had resignedly feared they would never know in this life.”

Helping Our Returning Vets

The TFT Foundation (charitable arm of the Association for Thought Field Therapy), Callahan Techniques, Ltd. and the Columbia Basin Veterans Resource Coalition and The National Veterans Foundation, provide a free, much needed trauma stress relief retreat to our returning Veterans.

30 Years Of Thought Field Therapy

This year we celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the discovery of a revolutionary form of healing, originally called Callahan Techniques and now commonly known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT was discovered and developed by California clinical psychologist, Dr. Roger Callahan.