Do you experience daily anxiety, stress and fear?

Eliminate Daily Anxiety and Stress

Saturday, July 20 at 11 am EDT

While everyone experiences stress and anxiety differently, and what may be a significant stressor for one person may not be as significant for another, we can all address these common causes from a personal perspective.

By understanding the potential causes of stress and anxiety in our own lives, we can take steps to manage and reduce their symptoms.  We can create a “daily constitutional tapping” sequence to dissolve our stress and release our anxiety.  This “constitutional” tapping sequence can leave us with an overall feeling of peace and calm that dramatically contributes to our quality of life.

In this month’s mentoring class, we will work through creating our individual “constitutional” tapping sequence, addressing the anxiety and stressors in our life.

Our daily tapping sequence helps us promote a greater sense of relaxation and ease.

Instead of being part of the trend in increasing stress and anxiety, we can use these simple tools to become part of the solution.

Join me this Saturday, July 20, 11:00 am EDT, for our monthly well-being mentoring class.  We will work through as many demondtrations as time permits, addressing real stresses in your life.

Let’s change your day from anxiety and stress producing negative emotions to one who experiences peace and calm, acceptance and compassion, on a daily basis.

Participants will also have the opportunity to have their case addressed. These requests need to be submitted in advance.

Join us for only $37
Or register for the year below and save…

(Video Replay will be sent if you miss the session)

This is an interactive mentoring class so if you submit your challenges and/or goals in advance, I will guide you in the best use of TFT to ease your path.

Do you experience daily anxiety, stress and fear?

Eliminate Daily Anxiety and Stress

Saturday, July 20 at 11 am EDT

You can also choose the low quarterly rate of $75, just $25 per monthly life-enhancing class… see below:

What is a Zoom Webinar?

A Zoom training is a video online conference where you’ll see the host and can ask questions. You can connect via smart phone, tablet or computer from anywhere in the world via the Internet. It is easy to use and we will record all sessions, so if you miss one, you can watch the replay.

You’ll Also Get These Bonuses:

  • Voltmeter and PR PDF– how to find additional blocks to healing.
  • Special Class Bonuses – case studies and downloadable guides.
  • Access to the Thought Field Therapy Resource Library. It includes videos, audio and specific charts and guides to download to help you learn how to use Thought Field Therapy to overcome your specific challenges.

“It is beyond amazing. I have never seen any treatment so powerful.”
Dr. Martin Swartz, Research Associate Professor, New York University Medical School.

“As I said before, there is no doubt in my mind that I would not be alive today without TFT. I want to take this opportunity in print to publicly thank you, Roger, for your help. The gratitude I feel in my heart is not easily translated into words. Just know that I will forever be in your debt.”
David Hanson, DEH, Seattle, Washington

Improve Your Well-Being With Thought Field Therapy

Commit to Your
Well Being and Save!

 Only $75 Every 3 Months

July – Eliminate Daily Anxiety and Stress
August – Toxins and Detoxing
September – Chronic Health Conditions
October – Are You Connected?
November – Navigating the Holidays
December – Preparing for the Best Year Ever

Each month’s class will include the following:

  • an updated algorithm-level manual
  • relevant case studies
  • class PowerPoint presentation
  • the opportunity to ask questions
  • receive guidance in addressing personal challenges and resolving complex cases